Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Step 1: Admitting I Have a Problem

I am a typical American Jerk.

See that picture over there? --->

That's me. Except with bigger boobs. And rhythm...sorta.

When I say I'm "typical", I don't mean I'm married/divorced with children, living in a big suburban house, and watching football or Dancing with the Stars on my flat screen television. None of those things apply to me.

However, I am a typical American Jerk because I have debt...A LOT of debt. And virtually no savings.

According to CNN Money, the average American household with at least one credit card has $10,700 in credit card debt. That number fluctuates depending on the source - I've seen quotes of $8,400 and $20,000. $10,700 seemed nicely ensconced between low and high so I picked the CNN source for my purposes.

By the same token, the same average American household has less than $3,000 in savings.

Now, while I'll admit to being "typical" for this specific purpose, I clearly abhor the thought of just being ordinary or average. So I'll tell you I have $9.98 in savings currently - well below the average $2,400. And my debt?

*deep breath*

Between credit cards and student loans (I've been out of college for almost 15 years) is:

Totally in Comic Sans - I thought it was appropriate


So that's why I'm here. To admit publically for all the virtual world to hear that I have a problem. A problem I am, luckily, in a position to resolve. And I'm going to resolve it. I've got a plan.

Watch me.


  1. admitting you have a problem is the first step in conquering it right? I am proud of you for putting this up for all to see and to help you maintain your accountability. I wish you the best of luck my friend.

  2. If I can do it, you can. While I don't expect you to post your debt, I do hope you'll join me in getting rid of your own.

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